Thursday, July 19, 2007

10 Years Ago ....

Stole this pic from Shanice's blog (yes, I did tell her I was stealing it). The pic on the left was taken 10 years ago during my Pre-U prom, the one was the right was taken 7/7/07.

OMG I was so bloody fat, look at how round my face was! Shanice asked me what I did to my eyes, why are they so big now. Well, I honestly did not do anything to them, no surgery or anything. It's just make up and for some weird reason, my left eye has developed a double eyelid, so now my left eye is bigger than the other. I try to even it out with makeup, more eyeliner on the right....

I think the both of us look really great now, don't u guys agree? However, I need to lose another few kgs ... I want my chin to be as sharp as Shanice! Have been slacking on my diet ... must get back on track!