I was supposed to be just a short visiting day to my friends' hse but my mom told me 2 days before that we would be having family get together/potluck that day too and that we would visit my Grandma too.
So the plan was to visit my Grandma in the morning at 11am, go to my uncle's at noon and then I told my mom that I have to be at my friends' at 2.30pm the latest. So off we went ...
Finally ... a pic I kinda like.
On the way to my Grandma's, LC called me to invite us over to her place in the evening. It was a last min thing that they decided to do. But I was warned that it would be a simple get together as they themselves have to go visiting b4.
Did not stay long at my Grandma as we had to rush off. Did not take any pics there as they had just woken up :)
Crowding around the yusheng .... by the way, did I mention that I LOVE yusheng?
Hung ard for awhile but at 2pm, I told my mom that we have to make a move. My friends' hse was in the same area and my mom told me that she would drop me off. However, my mom took forever to leave, first she had to eat more, then she had to tell everyone what to take back as leftovers, then pack her own leftovers, help my aunt pack her leftovers ....
It was abt 2.35pm when we finally stepped out of the hse and Huiyi had already called to asked where I was.
It was off to Christine and TY's hse and guess what? More Yusheng! My sis decided to tag along as she did not want to be bored at home ...
Here's Ben helping out Huiyi ... there's something about the way he's squating that reminds me of olden times ;) Haha, but there's really no place to put yr legs there and u either have to squat or kneel.
The bunch of us .... the back of my head, Jeannie?, Sharon Lai, TY peeking from behind, Christine, Ryan's wife (Karen?) and Ryan.
Then there's Kelvin, Ben and KL. My sis is the helpful one taking the pics ;) Thanks!
We left there at about 4.30pm and headed down to Orchard. Christine and TY had to do their own visiting and we weren't expected at LC and GX's until past 7pm. Ben needed to run some errands and we decided to grab some dinner there too. Oh, and we got to take a ride in Ben spanking new car!
We headed to the M1 shop at Paragon and while Ben was doing his thing, Huiyi, my sis and I were looking at the new phones. Ben's problem could not be solved but it was not a wasted trip as Huiyi got a new phone! All thanks to Ben, she managed to get a $70 voucher and so she paid less than $30 for her new phone!
My sis's first time there. The last time I was here was more than 8 years ago!
Italian Salad. It has been a long time since I had a Italian salad .... brought back memories ....
Umm, Penne with Mushrooms in a Alfredo Sauce. This was yummy, nice and creamy.
By the time we left town, it was already past 7pm. We headed to LC and GX's expecting dessert and we were not disappointed. Evon joined us there after she got done with her friends.
LC bought some cookies from the Cookie Museum and they were yummy! We were told to eat them in a specific order so as to get the best experience.
This is the King Cherries, White Chocolate and Macademia Cookies. The cookie just melts in yr mouth ...
Next was Cranberries and Lychee (this is a fruit too). Another winner!
Next is Cranberries, Orange Chocolate and Lotus Seed Cookies. I would have liked them even better without the Orange Chocolate .. haha, I hate Orange Chocolate.
Ok, this was one of the unique ones. Laksa Cookies. Laksa is a local noodle dish in a soup of spices and coconut milk. There's no noodles in the cookies, don't worry. Its just the spices and coconut flavor. U have to wait awhile before the full flavor hits yr mouth. Nice, but my fave is ....
Drinks was served in this fancy Felix Stark partyware. U can carry yr champange and hors devours in one hand .. so atas!
GX, Huiyi, LC, Ben, Me, Yvonne and my sis. Look at the clock .. 11pm ... I was out the whole day!
By the time Ben dropped my sis and I home, I was so tired and the wine put me to sleep the moment I hit the sheets .... YAWN!