Wow, I have really been neglecting this blog. Unfortunately there hasn't been really anything I want to blog about for the past week or so. I'm sick of bitching/whining/complaining, its just so much more fun posting on my Little Twin Stars blog ... a place where I can hide and Did not take much pics. They basically came and dumped everything inside to cook. Think they are just trying to rush everyone thru their meal. Adela is so cute. She only grumbled during dinner because she wanted her diaper changed.forget try to forget everything.
Anyway ..... on Sat, I met up with Christine, TY, Adela, KL and Huiyi. It was Christine's bday on Sun so we just went out to have a good meal We had "mala" steamboat @ Tanglin Shopping center.
I ate way too much and even when I was so full that my tummy hurt ... but I still managed to finish my dessert :)
KL was supposed to leave right after dinner but he cancelled plans without informing us, so Christine and TY already made plans after dinner on their own. It was just the 3 of us again ... KL, Huiyi and I that made our way to Starbucks for some coffee. It was more chit chat b4 we called it a nite and we made our way home ... all b4 12 midnight :)
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago