Why? Well, there was a little accident in the bathroom which caused the sink to be clogged. And wouldn't u know, my hse of EVERYTHING doesn't have a damn plunger! Maybe my dad kept it somewhere OTHER than the toilets, but my sis and I could not seem to find one.
We tried the hand plunging, used a bottle to blow air, a water spray .... none worked. I was getting frustrated, the floor was wet but I still did not want to give up. The thought of emailing my dad and asking him where he kept his precious plungers did cross my mind.
Well, I went to my trusty internet and did a search for "clogged sink" hoping to find a tip, or some homemade Drano Max. I was reading thru the first website I clicked and it suggested that "If it's a bath sink, stuff the rag into the overflow hole. In both cases, the rag helps deliver the pressure directly to the clog."
Hmm ... sounds logical, wonder why I did not think of it? Do all of u out there know about this step?
Anyway, went downstairs to get a rag, stuffed it into the hole and tried my water spray again. Sure enough, in less than 3 secs, I heard water flowing down the drain!
I can brush my teeth in the morning in my bathroom! :)
BTW, the website is from a show This Old House which I used to love watching in the US. It's a show on renovations tips, home DIY and stuff. Miss that show ....
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago