We had a get together for Xmas at Christine's and TY this year. And we 3 girls did the cooking. Here are some pics from that nite. There's lots, so clear your calendar!
Here's the turkey in the oven. Sad to say I failed in turkey duty, u will see the results later. I was so disappointed, damn!
All the ingredients we used for the skewers.
Huiyi and I with the mashed potatoes.
Chips with dip. YES! That is my SPINACH DIP! I finally found the soup mix needed for it at a grocery store that caters to expats. The other is cream cheese dip, also using the same soup mix. I have yet to find pumpernickel bread that goes with the spinach dip but chips do as well. I had lots of compliments on it ... at least something went right for me.
The 3 chefs for the day, Huiyi, Me and Christine.
KL taking the pasta out of the oven.
The spread ... as u can tell, my turkey had an uneven tan :( I forgot to remove the foil covering it until it was too late. Left it in longer to try to fix it but i think I made it dryer. Was so mad at myself. There is stuffing, gravy, garlic bread, salad, pasta, potatoes, veggie skewers ... a whole load of food for 11 ppl!
Oh, let's not forget the mushroom soup!
Half the table ... TY has the other half .. still waiting for him to send it over :)
After dinner was the gift exchange! Guess which present is mine? Haha :)
We had a recycle gift exchange this year. Each brought a gift that was new but was not suitable for them for the exchange. We then pick numbers to decide who gets first pick. Then the following number could either pick a gift from the pile of snatch the previous number opened gift .... confused? Just follow the pics!
KL was next and he snatched TY original gift so TY picked again and got gift vouchers to Taka. The amt was not revealed till later ....
Haha, Ben snatched the gift voucher from TY. Wow, TY had all the popular gifts.
So he snatched his original cups and bowls back from KL.
Thus KL had to pick again ... and got this notebook and pen from Espirit.
So Ben picked again and got this cute bear tea pot and cups.
Sharon got a small pillow and a toothpaste tube squeezer thingy.
Haha, the BEST gift?!?! Oliver got this really sexy women's top!!!
Huiyi got the King Kong DVD. At the end of the nite, Huiyi took pity on Oliver and exchange her gift for his :) She was the last and I was so glad she did not take my gift vouchers! Looks like I will be buying more Little Twin Stars things from Taka! :)
Sea Coconut with Strawberries.
And here's more pics ....---
Had a really great time that nite, it was lots of work but worth it. :) Thanks to my sis who helped out the nite b4 with the prep. Brought her some leftovers which I think she enjoyed :)