My sis accompanied me to get me stitches out today at SGH. They had booked an appointment for me at 2pm. We finally found Clinic J! My queue number .... 4D anyone? Crap ... I was 1 min late! This is the before ..... This is the after. There is still some scab there that will take some time to fall off ... that is if I can stop myself from biting my lips. Btw, I have missed my Chapstick these past few days! My usual Fish Roe. Sashimi Salad. Eel with Rice. Beef with Garlic. Quite nice ... loved the garlic. Ate some of it as I did not really have to worry about garlic breath. My sis's Softshell Crab Handroll. Scallops. This was pretty good too but a little small ... there were 6 but we ate 2 b4 I remembered I forgot to take a pic. My mom saw this chocolate cake and wanted to try it .... it was $6.50 so I was surprised. It is not typical for my mom to want to spend so much on dessert. My sis shared this Berry Blend with my mom. It was pretty good, not too sweet like some places. My latte that I shared a little with my mom, she can't drink too much coffee after 2pm as it keeps her awake. I love coffee art, wish more places would practice it ... it always brings a smile to my face.
We made our way there, navigating the maze of buildings at SGH.
Did not have to wait long before going in to the office. The dr. looked at my lip, said it was healing well and that I could get my stitches out today. He also told me that I would have to massage it as the area would be a little hard as its healing. He said that chewing gum is a good way to exercise the area.
"Gum is illegal here!" I said.
He said that its illegal to sell but not for personal consumption .... haha. Well, thank god my sis has some chewing gum courtesy of Gwen, smuggled in when she was on vacation.
Anyway, I was then brought to another room where a nurse was the one to take out my stitches. Thought it was funny that she asked whether I fainted at a bar. When I told her it was after donating blood, the look of remorse on her face was priceless!
The taking out of the stitches was pretty painless with slight tugs. When I told her it didn't really hurt, she said that my threshold for pain is quite high ...
The whole thing cost me $33.25. It looks like I would have to contact the blood bank to see about reimbursement.
After we got done, we met my mom at Vivo. We had actually planned to go last Wed after our blood donation but I met with the unfortunate accident. My mom has never been to Vivo so she was pretty excited to go to a HUGE shopping mall. The items she was looking for? More shoes and bags.
My sis and I brought my mom to all the shoes stores there and my mom bought THREE pair of shoes! She liked a bag too but is going to wait for my dad to come home to use his credit card for some discount. I think my mom enjoyed herself pretty much. I had to teach my mom about shopping and how NOT to tell a sales person that she has bought something at the airport and that it is cheaper there. Everyone knows stuff is cheaper there and the moment u say that to a sales person, they know u won't be buying from them so the level of service drops.
After the 3 pairs of shoes for my mom and 1 dress bought for my sis by my mom, we made our way to Sushi Tei. Told my mom that we love going there so we decided to bring her there to try it out. Told her it was way better than Sakae.
I think my mom enjoyed the food but she did complain about the prices ... haha. I paid for dinner using my remaining Sushi Tei vouchers and discount card.
It was then off to more shopping at Forever 21 :) I bought a top for myself and told my sis "No" on a dress that she liked. Didn't like it at all! She was a good girl, she listened to me ... anyway, she just got one that was so much cuter!
We then went grocery shopping as my mom wanted to check out the Giant at Vivo. As we were shopping my mom suddenly said "Let's go for coffee after this."
I didn't know that was my mom's intention when she asked earlier on which was better, Starbucks or Coffee Bean? Anyway, we went to Gloria's Coffee (where I had a one-for-one coupon) but not before I warned my mom its still not going to be cheap!
My mom offered to pay for the drinks and cake and I of course did not resist as I did pay for dinner :)
It was a long day and I was surprised that my mom did walk a lot without complaining. We did have to slow our pacing somewhat but I did enjoy the day out. Can't remember the last time I went shopping with my mom .....
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago