Met up with KL as he has just got back from Taiwan. Funny how he was a little embarrassed that he did not get me much, just some pineapple tarts. However, I really appreciated it. But my question is
"Are u really obligated to buy something for your friends/family when u go on vacation?"
Don't get me wrong, I love getting gifts but I also understand when I don't get anything. I can imagine ppl wondering about what to get, making sure that no one is left out. I think back in the days when ppl don't travel much and imports of stuff/food were less, these gifts were rare. However, now it seems like everyone is going somewhere every other week.
When my parents and sis went to Beijing, they brought back stuff to give but it seemed that they bought a shitload. I'm picky with what I eat and my mom just bought some weird stuff and sweets .... I hardly eat sweets! I didn't touch a single piece of it and I'm pretty sure they are still around because they bought more than needed.
Anyway ... back to KL
After coffee, we made a quick stop by his office to grab his payslip b4 heading to watch Penelope. It was a really nice movie and my eyes did water a little. By the time the movie ended, it was 8+pm and KL wanted to go to the gym. So that meant it was home for me!
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago