Ok, I know it is a crappy pic of the campfire, but I was using my camera phone, what do u expect? Just got home from Liz's where she had a pretty nice fire going (not that u can tell from this pic). A bunch of us were there, including Liz, Dan, Tom, Elyse, Helena and moi.
I guess u can call this a start of 3 weekends of drinking? Hahaha. Helena will be turning 21 this coming thursday ..... that's the legal age to drink here in the US .... I know, what losers. Anyway, we will all be going to the Wiskey Barrel on that day to christen her birthday. YAHOO! We will also be going out on that Fri (which happens to also be Liz's birthday) AND Sat! :O Wonder how that is going to turn out, we'll see how Helena (and the rest of us) survives :) There is going to be Karaoke on Sat (I have never seen Americans do Karaoke b4, wonder what is that going to be like)
The following week will be Amir's birthday and we going to have another get together! Danger ...... it looks like I would have to pace myself for the next few weeks .....
Well, heading off to bed. Going shopping and then to Frankenmuth tomorrow (or rather, later today). I feel like chicken tonite, like chicken tonite! :)
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago