It is time for the Singapore Elections and I am afraid to say that I don't know much about it. It was my mom who brought it to my attention the exact date of it. I remember reading about it in a blog that I visit regularly. Voting is compulsary in Singapore unless u fall into one of these categories:
a)working overseas (including being on a business trip) at the time of the poll (That's me!)
b)studying overseas at the time of the poll
c)living with your spouse who is working or studying overseas
d)overseas vacation which was planned before the poll
e)illness, or delivering a baby
If u really really want to vote, u have to register as an overseas voter and then go to a Singapore Embassy or Consulate ... the nearest one to me? Chicago. There is no way I am going to drive to Chicago to vote. First of all, I don't know who the hell is vying for what position. Not that it really matters, in Singapore, the most powerful party is the PAP ..... or as some call it, P** and P** (it means k*** a** and k*** a**), or P** and P**. They practically win everything. (Read on for an explanation about the asterix)
I can't remember whether I was able to vote the last time they had an election. I remeber my mom telling me that it was a walkover. No one contested the election and thus the guy/gal won by default. I think it was the same for the presidential election. I don't think the elections in S'pore are as exciting as the ones here in the US.
I have been trying to do some research about the elections and learnt a few thing b4 I decided that it was too boring and I stopped. Not too interested in politics ..... Plus, I also learnt that the S'pore governement banned political podcasting ...... which includes blogs ..... I think I can't say anything good or bad in my blog about any of the partys or I might get into real shit. Damn it, I have to delete what I just wrote .... hang on .... Ok, done ..... I think I should be safe now .....LOL. What a whole load of BS.
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago