Thursday, July 6, 2006


My friend Cj used to love sending "tell me more about yourself" emails. Unfortunately I hate fowarding them to ppl so I do not reply ... maybe that is why she stop sending them .... LOL. Anyway, I'm a little bored so I searched through my emails and found one of them ..... yes, I don't delete most of my emails :)

1. What time is it? 11:23 PM
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Loh Su Ping Serena
3. Any nicknames? Rena, RenaBena
4. Parent's names? Low Sween Lun and Susan Low
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 27
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? Dec 30
7. Pets? Umm, nope ..... too much work
8. Favorite animal? Horse .... I was born in the year of the Horse
9. Tattoos? None ... Piercings? Plenty
10. How much do you love your job or jobs? I love working @ Ottawa Street Catering!
11. Birth place? Singapore
12. Favorite vacation spot? Anywhere in the US of A
13. Been to Africa? Nope
14. Stolen any traffic signs? Of course not .... I'm a law abiding citizen
15. Been in a car crash? One ..... my mom was driving, everyone was unhurt but the front of the car was busted. Umm, does reversing into a ditch count? It just ended up cracking the paint on the bumper.
16. Croutons or Bacon Bits. REAL bacon bits
17. 2-door or 4-door car? 2 door. I want a convertible though .....
18. Coffee? You betcha! Tons of cream, no sugar
19. Salad Dressing? Ranch
20. Color of socks? umm, usually white
21. Favorite Number? 7
22. Favorite movie? Grease
23. Favorite color? Red
24. Favorite holiday? Is my birthday considered a holiday? No? Well, Xmas then
25. Song of the moment? Every song on the Dixie Chicks new album Taking the Long Way
26. TV Show? CSI
27. Toothpaste? Colgate Total
28. Most recently read book? Cover of Night by Linda Howard
29. Perfume/Cologne? Yes
30. Favorite scent? At the moment, Be Delicious by DKNY
31. Favorite thing? Chocolate!!!!!
32. Favorite fast food place? I don't know ... Wendy's? Subway?
33. When was your last hospital visit? Went to visit Jeff in the hospital on 25 Jun '06 .... last time I stayed in the hospital? I think it was when I got knocked down by a bus .... many MANY years ago
34. Favorite drink? Water or anything diet.
35. How many times did you fail your driver license test? 0
36. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Too depressing to imagine ....
37. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch TV, on the internet
38. Furthermost place you sent this message? Umm, not exactly sending it
39. Who will respond the fastest to this e-mail message? Will anyone respond?
40. Least likely to respond? All the lurkers out there reading my blog! Love u all!
41. How many brothers/sisters? 1 bro who is 2 years older and 1 sis who is 12 years younger
42. Married? Nope :(
43. How many children? 0
44. What time is it now? 11:41PM

That's all folks! Keep an eye out for the 2nd installment!

Feel free to copy and paste to fill it up with your own answers to send/post.