Went to get a pedicure with Nikki today. We went to Nancy Nails over at the Lansing Mall. The place was bigger than the other nail place that I have gone to. The only similar thing was that the ppl working there were all asian. They were chatting among themselves while doing out nails and I so wish I could understand them ..... I can just imagine their conversations ...... "this girl's feet are so smelly!".... "u think hers' is bad? This one is worse!"
They convinced us to get french pedicures ... it was my first! They also suggested that we get some nail art painted. They are pretty good at selling but they do make more with the french pedicure and the additional design they painted on.
Here is how mine turned out!
They convinced us to get french pedicures ... it was my first! They also suggested that we get some nail art painted. They are pretty good at selling but they do make more with the french pedicure and the additional design they painted on.
Here is how mine turned out!
I thought mine turned out really pretty. Nikki got a really cute flower too but because my toe is larger, mine is slightly fancy :) Yes, I have been told that I have freakishly long toes ... "finger toes" as I recall someone saying.
After we got done with our pedicures, I went back to Nikki's and played with Nate for a bit. I have not seen him in a while and he has grown. He was running around the house butt naked! He then showed me his birthday present which is a huge swing set. He calls it his ship and would not let me climb on it :( He is really becoming very talkative.
You know how kids say the darndest things? Well, he was playing around with Bryan and hit his crotch. Bryan told him that it hurts and to stop, Nikki then told Nate that he should kiss Daddy and say he was sorry ..... without missing a beat, Nate said
"I don't want to kiss Daddy's peepee."