Off again today, really nice to have 2 off days in a row and I will also be off again on Sat. So this week I have 3 days off ... well, but earlier in the mth I had a week where I only had 1 off day.
Was talking to a friend online yesterday whom I have not met up with in a long time and found out that she is going to get married at the end of this mth. Sigh, another one of friends are getting married ... the singles ones are getting less and less. And even those that are not married, most of them have a bf/gf. Sometimes I can't help but feel alone.
At work, one is married and having a kid, the rest have bfs and/or are engaged. Even the one who is gay has a bf.
It's not just the fact that I miss having a bf, but since coming back to Spore, I have had to accustom myself back to S'pore's culture. I get a hug once in a blue moon as compared to in the US where hugs are given often. Ok, I am not asking all my friends to suddenly hug me all the time. I know that it is not a common gesture here but it feels good to have a hug every now and then.
From hugs, let's move to kisses ... haha, I know what u guys are thinking. But I'm not talking about kisses between a man and a women (or to the same sex if u are gay) I'm talking about kisses that I get from friends, like Rosa, Mary, Gary, Joel, etc. Friendly kisses .... either on the cheek or on the mouth .... yes, the mouth. When I got my first friendly kiss on the mouth from Gary (Jeff's brother-in-law with 5 kids) I felt awkward but I came to realize that it was just a friendly gesture and I have come to welcome it everytime I met up with him.
My dad is one that doesn't physical displays of affection. I remember the time when I was leaving for the US and I tried to give him a hug, he stood there like a block of wood as I hugged him. I guess that is just the way with him.
Here's a
and a
to everyone reading .....
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago