My last 2 days at work was somewhat of a pain. The bitch decided that she did not want to say a word to me and I had nothing to say to her either ... well, I did, but chose not too .. haha. However, the annoying thing was that on the second last day then, just as I went into work, she told her PA to change the email password. WTF? I was still working .... I understand that they had to change it but couldn't it wait till AFTER I leave? It was at that point that I decided that I was not going to work anymore during that 48hrs. I told my colleagues up front, if they need my help, let me know and I will help THEM, but other than that, I was going to stand around and do nothing.
The last day dragged on, I kept looking at my watch, counting down the mins. It is sad leaving most of my friends and some might say that I am a little spoilt, but seriously, I wasn't happy, I don't see the need staying and prolonging my unhappiness. I start to wonder what they are talking about me now that I am gone .. yes, I am curious, but on the other hand, u can't help what ppl say. It's time to move on .....
I don't know what I want to do now ... the dark cloud is knocking at my door .... I don't want it in but it is getting stronger, the pounding is deafening ... it's scaring me ... can someone drive it away? ... pls?
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago