Sunday, November 12, 2006

Had the whole family back home for dinner last night. It was the first time my bro and his wife came here 4 dinner since I have been home. My mom made curry and stewed oysters with mushrooms and fa cai (it's it kind of seaweed)

After dinner, my sis and I headed to my bro's place to hang out and watch movies. He has one of the biggest dvd collection, however, there are some crappy movies there, like New York Minute (starring the Olsen twins).

We decided to watch Final Destination 3 ... ok, my bro, ash and I decided ... my sis objected. However, it was 3 against 1 and she lost. She is terrified of horror films and she kept hiding behind the pillow. It really reminded me of when my bro was young and he would hide in the room when the Incredible Hulk would change on tv :)

We finally made it home at about 2am. After which I thought I would just knock out but instead we ended up watching Lake House (Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves). I really love that movie and I cried a little towards the end.

You wouldn't want to know what time I woke up today ;)