Oh my ... I have not been updating in a long time! Haha, guess what? HKO is back! Well, only for a few days, so I have been a little occupied ;) It will end on 22 Dec, 2359hrs Est time. And then god knows when it would be back :(
Anyway, the only exciting that happened this past week was that I had my hair rebonded! I was sick and tired of flat ironing my hair in the morning. And even then, by the end of the day, it would be messy and curly again!
Thought about it for a long time and I finally went to set up an appointment on Fri nite. On Sat, I went to the salon and sat for more than 4hrs, getting my hair rebonded and dyeing it. Its not a drastic color and I love how straight my hair is now.
I could not wash my hair the day after and was told to only wash it on Mon. Today is Mon and I can't stand it ... my hair is oily and I desperately want to wash it! Can't wait to go home.... hope that it still looks good after the first wash. I'm not expecting it to look like when I left the salon, but neither do I want it to suddenly become a frizz bomb!
I actually took a pic of my hair right after I came back but I was so busy with HKO that I was too lazy to upload and post. Sigh, I can hear all the groans my friends are making .... yes, those from across the ocean!
This week is going to be a short week for me. I'll be on leave on the 24th and 26th. Don't think we are having a half day on Xmas eve and since I am having an Xmas party on that day, I decided to just take the day off. I did not want to be stuck in the office till 7pm on Xmas eve!
And it looks like I would also be celebrating my bday this weekend ... my mom is planning a family BBQ .... sigh, just the thought of a "family" meal really gets me down. Well, I made no promises that I would attend, because I hate celebrating my bday anything with my family. It just ends up with one big argument after another. Its really hard to explain ....
Oh well, I will also be meeting up with LC this weekend. Have not seen her in forever! We are going to have alot of catching up to do.
Hmm ... what else .... I wonder if I will be doing what I had hoped to do last year. A few ppl guessed it but so far no plans :(
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago