Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bukit Timah Hill

Wasn't sure whether the trip was going to happen as the nite b4, a bunch of us were discussing about it and all we could talk about is Dim Sum and coming up with excuses not to go. Some of the lame ones were

"If we can't find parking, we'll go eat Dim Sum"

"If Shanice can't wake up, we'll go eat Dim Sum later"

Haha ... it really got me salivating for Dim Sum and that was all I could think of :) However, at 7.30am, all of us got a text from Shanice informing us that the weather is clear for climbing the tallest peak in Singapore.

I have to say I was slightly dissapointed ... I wanted to sleep in! But I dragged my lazy ass out of bed and made my way to Yishun to meet everyone. Surprisingly, I was early! Shanice, Ben and Huiyi arrived not long after but then we had to wait for Evon who was late because she had to wait 25mins for her bus.

We finally made our way to the park and there was a queue to the parking lot! Damn, did not think that there were be so many ppl wanting to climb this hill of us. There was no sign of KL and so we called him and he said he was there already and there is tons of parking!


Nope there isn't! It because that dumbass (said in the most loving manner) went to the wrong nature reserve! He took a cab down to meet us and in the mean time, we found a spot to park a little farther from the park. Kudos to Ben for doing a 3 point turn on a slope driving a manual truck with sticky gears, bearing in mind that he hasn't driven a manual in a long time. There was a moment of panic when Ben swiched seats with Shanice and the first words that came out of his mouth were...

"Huh? What do I do?"

I was just praying we didn't roll down the slope and hit the car behind us.


The map of our climb ....


A before shot of us ....

KL finally arrived and we started our climb. OMG, the first part was a killer! The steep slope was paved but it was a bitch climbing it. I was gasping for breath and regreting bringing up Mt K halfway up the slope. My only motivation?


We finally finished that steep ascend only to be met with a flight of stairs, but not any old flight of stairs. These were steep ones! Crap ..... I should have stayed in bed. I've not worked out in forever, my body is not ready for this. The few step I climb at Doby Ghaut station is NOTHING!


But we all made it up there, my legs were killing me but lets just say there was this really HUGE Siew Mai at the top of the flight of stairs :)


We made it to the top! That's about 536ft.

What goes up must come down so we made our way down, surprised that it really didn't take us long to reach the top. So we decided to try all the other trails in the nature reserve. I'm glad everyone decided to do it, if u would have to ask me .... yup, u prob can guess the answer :)


More stairs .... I have come to the conclusion that I HATE steep stairs!


A small water catchment area that we found after trekking thru the forrest. Even with the rain for the past few days, the ground was pretty dried except for a few areas.


The boys ....


We made it back to the starting point .... VICTORY!!!!

And that means, its really time for ....



Haha, I think I ate more calories than I burned ....

It was a fun day but I think I prefer the Tree Top walk alot more. Hmm ... Mt K? Umm .... I think KNOW I'm afraid of it ....

P.S. Thanks to Shanice for all the pics!