I feel sad and numb. I know that it is wrong to do it that way, but in a scary way I understood why it had to be done. I'm sure in the back of her mind she did think of the consequences but when u are really down (and I mean REALLY down) nothing else matters but easing your pain. Sometimes u think ending it would be better for everyone else in the long run. Yes, they might be sad in the beginning but eventually they would forget about u and maybe even hate you for it. But it is ok because u are not worthy of their love.
Have u ever been so sad that just the mere though of something gives u an anxiety attack. Your heart starts beating uncontrollably, u start to hyperventilate and tears start welling in your eyes. Have u ever just stayed in bed, hiding away from the world because u think the world has forgotten about you. When your mind is telling u one thing but your heart totally disagree. When crying brings physical ache to your heart and u are gasping for breath.
Most ppl will not understand and I hope that they NEVER will. I don't think there is a cure, just learning to live with it and hope that your mind stays that little bit stronger.
I felt sad for him and I cried, I still cry when I think about it. I wish him all the best from my broken heart and mind because that is all that is left and honestly it hasn't been whole in a long long time.
Don't hate me, don't console me, don't talk try to reason with me .... Don't, just DON'T.
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago