Today's going to be a busy day ....
Firstly, the whole family will be going out for lunch to celebrate my Ash's bday. My parents were in Germany during her bday so we are celebrating it this week. We are going to have a buffet lunch (typical family meal, it has to be a buffet) and I am going to have to try to not eat too much. Wonder how long it will take b4 my mom will comment on it and tell me to eat more. Sigh ...
After lunch, my mom wants to go down to town to look at a diamond watch. She saw one in Germany and wants to compare prices over here. Supposedly, owning a diamond watch has been one of her lifelong dreams. My sis and I would probably be tagging along as I am curious to see what the watch looks like. Haha, wonder if I would be able to convince my dad (my dad, not my mom) to get me a watch too :)
Later, I will be borrowing my parents, go pick up a few friends and head to the airport 'cos my friend KL will be returing from Australia for good. Really anxious to see him as I have really missed him. We talk pretty regularly either on the phone or online but it is so much better to have a person physically around ... can't wait to give him a big huge hug! :)
We are then going to head for dinner ... where? we have not decided yet, maybe somewhere near the airport .. haha, spore is so damn small, almost everywhere is near the airport.
I wonder how late I would be out? :)
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago