I had to go to KL for the day to meet some potential customers. It has been a long long time since I have stepped foot into Malaysia. I think the last time I was in JB was more than 10 years ago. I have never been to KL b4. We took Malaysian Airlines there .. it was a 0650hrs flight .. way too early in the morning. Hmm .. are they still the tallest buildings in the world? This is a branded goods heaven.
The cab ride to town took more than 1 hr because of the slight morning traffic. We got to our first stop, met with the customer whom for some reason didn't shake my hand ... is it some weird custom that I do not know about?
We had lunch with a supplier and after which we had time and so we headed to the famous Twin Towers in KL
Of cos I did not buy anything from there :P Just walked around exploring the mall. Did not stay there long as we had yet another appointment to go to.
After our last appointment, we headed to Sungai Wang. We hung out around there for awhile b4 having to head back to the airport to catch the last flight back to SGP that day.
The flight back was @ 2245hrs but it got delayed and we did not make it back to SGP until after midnight :(
Long and tiring day .. I'm glad we were able to convince our boss to let us go into work after lunch the next day :)
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago