Ok, I LOVE the 80s and in case anyone out there didn't know, I am a HUGE Deborah a.k.a Debbie Gibson fan. Hey, stop the snickering! I have all of her albums included the japan realeases that have bonus tracks, a few of her singles, calendars, her Electric Youth perfume (yes, there was such an item), the list just goes on. I have spent a small fortune on her but it probably isn't worth much now.
Yes, I was one of the first people to purchase the Playboy issue that she was in too .....
Anyway, the whole point of this post is a blatant promotion of her latest single which I really like ..... some might say I'm just being bias but whatever! :) I'm sure those who grew up in the 80s would also remember NKOTB ..... New Kids on the Block ..... Jordan Knight? Well, Debs and him did a duet together and here it is .....
Fine .... she might never make a real comeback, but I think she has done pretty well on Broadway and doing musicals. She has done Les Miz, Beauty & the Beast, Cinderella (I saw it!), Cabaret, Grease, Chicago, Gypsy, etc.
I'm now listening to first album ..... Out of the Blue ..... I don't think I would ever tire of her voice ..... I really want to meet her again, met her twice, once in Spore when I won a contest ... lol .... and the other time was after the Cinderella show. I was one of the groupies that waited for her after the show. I have most of my albums signed and have a pic of me and her together somewhere ...... Hey, my brother has one too!
My only regret is that I never went to her concert when she was still the pop princess ..... I was young and didn't have the $ :(
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago