Crap, think I am falling sick. Had a scratchy throat yesterday, then the chills, took 2 panadols aka aspirins and then started to feel clammy. Not feeling any better today, but at least I don't have a fever.
My mom bday is this Sun but we are going to go eat on Sat. Think we are making our way down to East Coast, Tung Lok for lunch. Ordered a cake as my mom has been bugging us about a coffee cheesecake since forever! Wonder how the 5 of us are going to finish a whole cake... I wonder if it would be as good as the one we had at Cedeles on Sat.
Hope I will be feeling better by then .... *touches forehead* Damn! It's a tad warm ...going to go drug myself again ... Adios!
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago