One of my ex colleague from Coach got married and I was invited. Was quite surprised that she invited me and in fact hand delivered my invitation. Was quite close with her when we were working and we always spend alot of time bitching about the BITCH.
The wedding was held at Furama Riverfront. Got a little lost trying to find a place, guess I should not be that concerned in saving that little bit of $. But in the end, I did make it to the place, slightly wet but on time. As usual, dinners never start on time.
I was the first one of my table to arrive so I went a little camera happy. The hall was only about 10% full at the time so I did not care about the other ppl staring at me taking pics ...
Here's our table pic. Really love Angelin's dress, something I would choose. There were only 7 of us at the table so there was plenty of food to go around. The fried sea bass with soya sauce that u see in the pic was one of my fave dish.
Me with Jumaat and James. Did not know the other 2 guys at our table, think they were the groom's friends.
I was dragged onto the stage during dinner to "talk" about Angelin but I really didn't know what to say. Was so nervous, hope I did not look stupid .. have NO interest in looking at the video. Well, at least they would always remember me .. haha.
The DJ was very annoying, damn, if I am going to pay u $ to host my wedding, u better jolly well remember OUR names correctly! He kept saying their names wrong, calling them "Angela", "Ivan". I would have been so pissed.
Here's a pic of all the Coach and ex Coach staff. Well, most are still current. Was a bit awkward at times as I did not know what to say to some.
Had a fun time. Glad to have met Angelin while working there and I really wish her all the best!