In case u guys didn't know, I have FINALLY found a job and in a blink of an eye, one week has passed. Didn't really announced it as I was a little embarrassed about HOW I got the job. It was actually recommended by my cousin. I guess I feel useless as I was not able to find one on my own and also cos I do not want to disappointed anyone.
The saying goes "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can't" Unfortunately, in my case, words hurts alot more and I am constantly haunted by those harsh criticism. I can still hear the voice in my head .....
Anyway, this job is a totally new industry to me. I decided to give it a try because the boss seems like a really nice person who was willing to give me, an inexperienced gal, an opportunity. The whole interview was very relaxed and he didn't even ask for my resume until AFTER I signed the papers. Oh, I forgot to mention that my boss is a guy. If given a choice, I will NEVER work for a lady again. Right Shanice?
The company is really small and even with me, its only the 4 of us. My title is Bunker Trader and basically my job is to source for oil/gas for vessels/ships, to act as a middleman. We do most of our trading via instant messaging and texting so it is right up my alley. The environment is really relaxed and my colleagues are really nice, funny ppl to work with whom have welcomed me into their close knit group. You would believe how hard it is to control my laughter in the office.
This is my first office job so its weird getting home early and having so much time in the nite to do what I want. Also, my weekends are free! Well, as I get myself more familiarize with my job, I would be expecting calls at nite and during the weekends. Hopefully not too often and that I would be able to handle without running to my boss. I told my sis that I have "Ringphobia" now. I worried about getting my first problem vessel. I'm also very worried about making my first major mistake :(
I'm waiting anxiously for my FIRST name card so when I do get it, pls ask for it so I can give it out :) It might take a few weeks as we are in the process of shifting to a new office so everyone will be getting new cards.
I guess I will stop boring u with my job .... will prob talk more about it in days to come. Will try to take a pic of the old office and the new when I get a chance :)
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago