My roomie graduated yesterday and had a party at our apartment. Unfortunately, all of his friends speak spanish which I don't know a single word of. I spend the whole night on the side of my other roomie who was my translator. When ppl talked to me, they spoke in english but other than that, it was all spanish. I felt so lost. And when it was time for the toast (which went on and on), all I could say is "no comprende!"
I tried my best to socialize but it was hard when u know absolutely no one and everyone knew everyone. One thing that got me a little uncomfortable was that the guys greeted me by touching cheek by cheek and kissing. I am ok with that with friend that I know (do that all the time) but with ppl that I don't know? I felt a little weird. But then when everyone started doing it, I just did it too.
Tried a little salsa dancing but I think I made more of a fool of myself .... lol
Finally, I just felt too much out of place and I went back to my room. I just don't like crowds of ppl that I don't know. I find it hard to talk to ppl. I hate when ppl start asking questions about my life that I don't know how to answer.......
I will try to only speak in eng ..... but if u hear me speaking in another language, it prob means that I am talking about u but don't want u to know :)
oh .... and I found out what Cinco de Mayo means!!!! They were all laughing at me, but hey, I am asian damn it!
Some more stuff I bought recently :)
15 years ago